Privacy Policy

By downloading Imigee application and registering to Imigee service you agree on Terms of Service ( and this privacy policy. In case you do not agree, do not register to service or any other means use Imigee application, website or other service.


We know that privacy is important to you, especially when related your personal life, and it matter to us. This document describes how we use, protect your data and what are your rights.

Imigee is a mobile application which enables seamless sharing of your content with friends in proximity, based on time and location, by using device location, contacts and photos. Data is monitored based on permissions you will give to Imigee application on your device.

If you decide you no longer want to use Imigee Service you can uninstall application from your device. You may also ask to be forgotten by contacting Imigee at

What information do we collect?

Imigee monitors your device location, photos and your contacts to provide you seamless sharing with your friends in your proximity at the same time. Additional anonymized application analytics to understand how users interact with the Imigee application and  factors outside of user control (like reception, location accuracy, etc.). is collected to improve the user experience and service performance.

Collected data is processed at your device and only data required for sharing with friends in proximity is provided to service. Service will automatically delete all data what is not needed after processing.

You can always control what data is collected automatically or shared by you, by changing application settings, permissions to access data on your device and define specifically what to share and what to keep private. In case you restrict any permissions in your device, Imigee will not function optimally or not at all.

User provided information and data

Account: To be able to identify user and create account we request you to provide your phone number at registration. You may also optionally provide other information, such as a profile name, profile picture, and description of yourself. When registered we will generate random ID to anonymize users, this anonymized ID is used in all rest of the account related processes.

Content to be shared: After user provides device permission for Imigee application to access photos, Imigee will use only information of new content content available and not to share content or store content on Imigee service . User will have complete control on  content to be shared includes messages, photos videos and “likes”. Once your content is delivered to your friend, it will be deleted from our servers. Your content is stored on your and friend you shared devices only. When content cannot be shared immediately, we may keep it on our servers for up to 30 days and attempt re-deliveries before deleting it. You have control to either accept/reject sharing of each content separately or use automatic sharing option to pre-approve sharing of content to your friends in proximity based on location and time.

Your Contacts: To connect you with your friends, Imigee service will need to use your contacts information. Phonenumbers and Social media account information (Facebook, twitter, etc) is used to link you with other users in Imigee service. Your contact information is not stored permanently to our servers, but we may keep it on our servers for up to 30 days to connect you with your friends. After linking you with your friends, anonymized user ID is used to share content between you and your friends. Connection is maintained as long as you use Imigee service.

Your feedback: You may provide us with feedback  related to your use of Imigee service, including content, and additional contact information than required by normal use of Imigee to contact you so we can provide you support. For example, you may send us an email with information relating to Imigee service performance including information not collected directly by Imigee service.

Automatically Monitored Data

Location: Imigee will monitor your location to be able to connect you to your friends in your proximity, at same time and at same location. Once your location data is processed, it will be deleted from our servers. When location data cannot be processed immediately (you or your friends have not provided location to be processed), we may keep it on our servers for up to 30 days and attempt re-deliveries before deleting it.

Usage and Analytics Information: All Usage and Analytics information is anonymized and we can not connect it to account which provided information. We collect device, platform, application and service usage, diagnostic, and performance information. This includes information about your activity (such as how you use Imigee, how you interact with others using Imigee, etc.), log files, and diagnostic, crash, website, and performance logs and reports. This information is used to improve Imigee.

Transactional Information: If you pay for our Services, we may receive information and confirmations, such as payment receipts, including from app stores or other third parties processing your payment.

Other online services:  User may connect Imigee with other online services with your account. If you connect Imigee with such services, we may receive information about you from them. Also please read third-party services privacy policies to understand how they will tread your information and data.

How do we use personal information?

All information and data we collect is used to help and improve operation of Imigee Service and provide you seamless way to share with your friends in your proximity, including account set up and administration.

Imigee Service: Information you provide or is automatically provided by your device (location, contacts and content) is used to  operate and provide Imigee service for you, including customer support and customizing your experience. We also use your information to respond to you when you contact us.

Internal research and development purpose: Information collected from you (including analytics) is used to continuously improve performance and reliability of Imigee service for you. Data provided by you will help us to understand how people use Imigee service. This information is used to improve Imigee service, research, develop, and test new functionalities and features.

Prevention of fraud: We want to provide you secure and reliable service and we continuously follow any attempts to misuse or hack Imigee service or any potential fraud attempts.

Communication with you: We may send you notifications and messages to your device, some of communications can be based on your usage patterns. These notification include information about your friends activities, sharing content, promotional messages about Imigee service and notifications about updated Terms of Service or Privacy policy.

Anonymized Information: We may use certain automatically-collected or otherwise non-personally-identifiable information available to third parties for various purposes.

Other online services: We do not share anything about data collected from you to other third party services, except anonymized account ID which is used to link services together and you explicitly share data from Imigee service to third party service. Please read third party services Privacy Policies when using them.

Cookies: We use automatically collected information and other information collected on the Imigee website using cookies to personalize and automate Imigee service,  monitor website usage metrics. You can obtain more information about cookies from

What legal basis do we have for processing your personal data?

By downloading Imigee application and registering to Imigee service you agree on Terms of Service ( and this Privacy Policy and give your consent for us to collect information and data.

You can withdraw from this consent by not registering to service or any other means use Imigee application, website or other service or by uninstalling Imigee application from your device. You have right to be forgotten by sending email to, including your phone number and other relevant information. We can take steps to confirm you have legal rights to account you are requesting to be forgotten.

When do we share personal data?

Your information (including location) is not shared with any other user or external party unless sharing specifically accepted by you, like sharing content. We will share information to your friends when you are at same location at same time, but you do not need an application or service to tell you that. Shared information does not include your exact location, only that you are in range (location and time) with your friend to propose sharing of content.

We use third party services to collect analytics data:
Amazon Web Services is used for application analytics, all information provided to Amazon Web Services is anonymized. Please read the Privacy Notice  for customers outside of the European Economic Area; and the Amazon EU Privacy Notice  for customers in the European Economic Area.

Google Analytics is used for website analytics, all information provided to Google Analytics  is anonymized by Imigee Service. Please read Google Analytics Privacy Policy is used to enable emailing from our website. Please read Privacy Policy

Where do we store and process personal data?

Imigee servers are located in the United States. If you use the Imigee service from the European Union or other regions of the world with laws governing information we collect from you, that may differ from U.S. law. We will comply with GDPR requirements providing adequate protection for the transfer of personal information from Europe to the U.S.

How do we secure personal data?

After registration we will use only anonymized user information In addition we follow generally accepted industry standards to protect the information submitted to us during communicating over public internet and when stored to our servers.

Fact is that any information, regardless how well protected, can be breached and we cannot ensure 100% security of any information collected. If we notice a breach to Imigee service, we will inform you and the authorities of the breach in accordance with applicable law.

How long do we keep your personal data for?

We will store your information only as long as needed. Location, Content and “likes” you decide to share is stored on our servers onlöy for the time it takes to forward it to your friends. When service cannot share immediately, we may keep it on our servers for up to 30 days to attempt re-deliveries before deleting it.

Your linked friends information is kept on service for duration you are registered to our service.

Anonymized data, like analytics is kept on our servers for duration it is valid to improve and develop Imigee service for you.

Your rights in relation to personal data

We respect your privacy rights and provide you with reasonable access to the information you have provided by using Imigee service. If you wish to access information we have collected or to request that we delete any information you have provided to us by using Imigee service, see “How to contact us” section. At your request, we will have any reference to you deleted from our servers.

Your Choice

Location Data: You may use device application specific permissions to restrict Imigee access to your location data by blocking it completely or only when using Imigee application. If you choose to restrict access to data, we are not able to guarantee Imigee service to operate as expected.

Contacts: Restricting Imigee application permission to your contacts will restrict creating link to your friends in Imigee service. Imigee service will keep link to contacts it has received before you restrict access.

Photos: You can restrict Imigee application permissions to access your photos from application or device settings. After restriction no information about photos you take will be shared to Imigee service. You will still continue receiving photos from your friends based on Imigee application access permissions to your location.

Notifications: You may use device application specific permissions to restrict notifications. These notifications include information about your contacts, sharing notifications and communications from Imigee service to you. Changing permissions to Notifications will not effect on Imigee performance and information collected in normal use.

Website analytics and information: You may change how we collect information about your visit to the Imigee website by Google Analytics by using the Google Analytics Opt-out feature and/or you may use your browser settings to limit use of Cookie.

Stop collecting all information: If you choose to stop Imigee service to collect any information from you, you can uninstall Imigee application and choose not to visit Imigee website.

Changes to this Policy

Please revisit this page frequently to stay aware of any changes to this Policy. When we improve Imigee service we will modify this Privacy Policy, indicating the date of the latest version. Your use of the Service after the updated Privacy Policy has become effective indicates that you have read, understood and agreed to the new version of the Privacy Policy.

How to contact us?

If you have any questions or comments about this Privacy Policy, information we have collected from you, our processes and practices of your information or your choices, please contact by emailing at